Monday, July 13, 2009

this was fun..... my new favorite caricature....

so warren drew me and him as buzz and woody because I LOVE TOY STORY....

then i went back in the park to the wagon of doom.

and it was slow.....


but i didnt wanna be boring so i did joker and harley quinn!


so i got bored at citywalk....

hella random i know... i watched nacho libre with my sisters a few days before

hah, all i do is draw my friends...

Monday, July 6, 2009

DUDE! My Sister Maile is BAD ASS!

so my sisters came to visit me at work and i went to meet them after i got off at toon booth, and warren wanted one of them to draw him... and so here's maile's caricature of warren, me? and falconer.... she really likes drawing demons? and so she made warren into one... hah.

she had so much fun...and she must have liked warren because check out that sick ass six pack she gave him...

i think im gonna make them an art blog??? = ]


here's this cool kid i met at the zoo... the reason why i drew him was because he suggested i practice on him... such a sweetheart and super ambitious for a guy his age!!! see you around at the zoo raphael! = ]