heres some of the stuff i was working on... none of it is finished.... theyre kind of just ideas.... yeahh... i kinda wasted canvases... im a do-er not a planner....
and yep. im watching wallace and gromit on my old ass t.v.....
this is a closer look at some of the "concept" work for my mummy robot. i seriously wish i could do all my work in sea foam green crayola marker. i did the painting with acrylic like really fast... im still trying to figure out colors to use for this guy... but i wanted to make him look a little rustier... as he is a mummy... curses to me... i always wanna use the same colors in everything... im being such a color snob... i went and got paint yesterday to add to my collection, and all i bought were MORE lime green variations of acrylic... i have a serious problem i swear...
Cool Stuff, Chloe! I'm slacking. I have to start producing.